Monday 25 December 2017

Winter and Christmas(es)

Winter does not come alone. It carries a whole baggage of withdrawn dreams from the summertime and the blue skies and lolling seas. It is also laden with a lifetime’s dim memories of Christmases that have been and hurt us vaguely but intensely.

Here is a Greek poem of mine, a mere attempt to hint at the pain mixed with nostalgia and long-forgotten happiness.

Χριστούγεννα σαν φάντασμα

Τα Χριστούγεννα κάθε χρόνο
Μια ιδέα λειψά μας φτάνουν
Σαν μια τούφα χιόνι το δρόμο της να έχασε
Και η φωτιά  στις στάχτες
Τη θέση της να έχει δώσει

Η πάνινη κούκλα σε μια άδεια
 Ντουλάπα να μαραζώνει
Και η κουνιστή πολυθρόνα
Εκεί δίπλα να πηγαινόρχεται
Στη χαραμάδα μόνο του ανέμου

Και οι φωνές, οι φωνές σαν
Απόηχοι να μας φτάνουν
Δίχως ψυχή πού τραβάμε
Στου καινούριου χρόνου
Την πολλά και ψευδή
Υποσχόμενη χίμαιρα;

Wednesday 20 December 2017

End of the year with a poem

And as the year is drawing to an end, we continue our soul-searching ...


Κάποιες φορές
Όταν έχω τη σχόλη
Μες απ’ το παράθυρο
Τη θέα ν’ ατενίζω

Βλέπω μια πράσινη άπλα
Και στα όριά της άσχημα
Σπίτια με κάθε λογής
Τσίγκινα παραπήγματα

Και πέρα μακριά στον
Ορίζοντα μια σκληρή
Ολοκάθαρη γραμμή
Ακολουθεί του βουνού τις καμπύλες

Το γαλάζιο τ’ ουρανού
Δεν είναι πάντα το ίδιο
Μια λαμπρό μες το φως λουσμένο
 Άλλοτε θαμπό στις ομίχλες πνιγμένο

Όμως όπως και να ‘ναι
Τις αισθήσεις νεκρώνει
Και τη σκέψη υπνώνει
Και με μιας το χρόνο παγώνει

Να μπορούσα σ΄ αυτή
Την ύπνωση
Τις σβησμένες μορφές

Να διακρίνω … 

Thursday 14 December 2017

How to slow down reading and get the most out of it

Reading can serve many different purposes: spotting some information we are looking for, catching up on the latest news, pleasure, summarising a long text for someone, translating for someone and so on. I am a firm believer in reading extensively as it is the best way of reinforcing words and grammatical or syntactical patterns.

But where would we be if we didn’t focus from time to time? Our students need to be slowed down while reading and be challenged about how much they retain which they would be able to produce in the course of time.

There are, of course, various ways of slowing the students down, and here is one I would like to elaborate on this time.
I sometimes give my students extracts from fiction and if this means a few pages, it is not practically possible or even desirable to parse every single sentence in the extract. However, if or when this applies we could pick out some descriptive pieces and draw or find some images corresponding to them.
I am not artistic myself, which means I have to rely on what is available on the internet or toil on PowerPoint! But for the lucky ones who are gifted, this could be done on the board or on a flip chart as the reading takes place and would feel more authentic than providing a ready image on the computer screen.

 One could even begin to draw part of it and gradually add to it as the need arises, making the task even more demanding.
I suggest that the teacher assigns the reading of a couple of pages and asks the students at the end of their reading to underline the line(s) or phrase which is depicted in the image.

For the sake of illustration, I will provide some examples from sundry sources.

The first extract is from Wilkie Collins The Woman in White:

… two or three passengers who were late were clustering round the small opening through which the tickets were issued. …

The second extract is from Christopher Paolini’s The Eldest:

Inside the workshop was lit by a single candle which cast a trembling glow over the ring of faces that hovered about it in the surrounding darkness.

And the third one comes from Eduardo Mendoza’s An Englishman in Madrid:

… The signature was a florid scrawl

Tuesday 5 December 2017

How to build an active vocabulary 2 or the Layer Method

One of my teaching principles is incrementally bracing a word: I start with its foundation, which -- more or less -- corresponds to its literal meaning, and proceed step by step at different stages of learning – with the figurative meanings, which I introduce when the students’ mental maturity can handle them.

I call it the layer method because this is what really happens: the learner adds one or more layers of meaning to the existing one(s) thus enriching and broadening their scope.  The method may not apply to all words as some are quite straightforward, and those are usually the words that refer to tangible objects, but it does apply to the majority of words that an adult speaker will need. However, an adult speaker, in my experience, is rather reluctant to draw or mime words, which a child will be only too eager to do. Therefore, when I teach children, I make a point of imprinting the foundation meaning of the word on their minds by encouraging them to use their bodies or produce sounds or mime and, wherever this facilitates learning, to draw. It is a long-term strategy for building up vocabulary, which pays dividends.

I will illustrate with one of my favourite poems for teaching: Raymond Wilson’s The Grateful Dragon.

When I present a poem to my students, I vary the way depending on the poem and the level of my students. This poem was presented to a level B1 class with particularly sharp children who adore stories and storytelling. So I teased their brains a little by asking why a dragon should be grateful. The responses were varied from “There are no dragons really” to “They are grateful to be alive at all”.

Then I recited the poem adding as much drama to my voice as possible and let it sink in.  HERE IS THE POEM Next I asked the children to tell me the story in a few words and continued with some comprehension questions, which were also meant to elicit their understanding of vocabulary:
·       How did the dragon get to the castle door?
·       How big was it?
·       How weak was the dragon? (They didn’t know the word “eyelid” so I just mimed not being able to move more than one eyelid.)
·       What did the princess do when the enemy appeared before the castle? (I had to mime “wept”, which was easy.)

Most of the times, when I use a poem or literary extract, I focus on some, not all, unknown words --   though not randomly. The main criterion often is the frequency of the word though this may not always apply. Sometimes I choose words which the students can draw or illustrate, but I don’t normally provide the first language equivalent; instead I refer them to their (paper) dictionaries and ask them to look up the word(s) and make a drawing. Their minds are more actively engaged, and images do reinforce the memorisation of words.
 In this case I divided the students into pairs and asked different pairs to illustrate different phrases from the poem, which I chose for them.

The first one was from the second stanza: “… to lash its tail”. “Lash” is a flexible word that can be used in many different contexts both literally and figuratively.

The “skinny harvest mouse” in the third stanza was too attractive a choice to ignore! I instructed my students to illustrate  how “harvest” and “skinny mouse” related to each other.

The next one was from the third stanza: “a blade of grass”. They knew “blade” but not in this sense. I hardly ever miss the chance to point out a countable vs uncountable noun.

The next one was “bundles of hay” in the sixth stanza, which was quite straightforward in terms of drawing.

The last item, however, was a metaphor and more of a challenge: “a whirlwind of thunder and fury” in the penultimate stanza. They actually did quite well with this one as the drawing included angry faces swirling and thunder.

By selecting in particular “lash” and “bundle”, I was aiming at establishing – at this stage of learning -- a basis for building up the figurative uses of the words later on. A mental image can help understand and appreciate the figurative uses of a word more easily and directly, effectively saving the teacher and the learner a lot of time while the word is assimilated or “anchored” in the student’s mind.

Thus, from a “bundle of sticks” we can then move to “Her friends managed to get her out of the pub and bundled her home” or to  “The company offered customers a single computer solution, bundling together hardware and software.”

Or from “He lashed the horses to go faster” to “Democrats lashed Republican plans, calling them extreme.” and even further to “In his speech, he lashed out at his enemies.”